Germany’s role in solving the Crisis

Why the key to solving Britain’s (soon to be rapidly escalating)

financial and social meltdown, lies in co-operation with Germany!

 The root cause of this fast approaching mega financial and social crisis is the pumped up balloon economy which has been defying every Law of Physics over the last 15 years. The Financial system has been allowed to run out of control, with a lucky few in the financial markets earning more than some entire countries, and many Bankers walking away with a minimum of a lifetime’s salary for an average worker; all completely irrespective of how much money they lost taking spectacular risks with the wealth of the world. And nobody encouraged this more than Gordon Brown, the then Chancellor of the City of London, where the trading rules were even more basic than in the U.S.

Unfortunately this bubble burst in the summer of 2008, when one of the most prestigious banks in the world (Lehman Brothers) went bankrupt. After this followed a massive world-wide taxpayer bailouts of hundreds of Billions of Dollars and thousand billion Dollar Stimulus programmes, which have absolutely nothing to do with Job creation and everything to do with job annihilation and foreclosures. At the same time as the Banks were being bailed-out by the taxpayers (at the cost of Schools, Hospitals and Roads) ‘for their trillion Dollar bad debts/ risks’, the Financial industry was seen to be filling their own pockets with annual bonuses the equivalent of 10,000 worker’s salaries for just one years ‘work’, playing trillion Dollar Proprietary Trading poker. Unknowingly, the consequences of these extreme egotistical actions destroyed the reputation of the investment and Banking industry and they ended up converting the only currency they had- TRUST–into FEAR, LOATHING & a DEEP MISTRUST from the people who are now currently in the process of loosing everything they have, as their reward for trusting a Banker.

As the Iraqi saying goes: ‘Once you have been bitten by a snake, you are frightened of a rope’, something that every Banker in the world is going to find out the hard way, as no intelligent person will ever trust a Banker again.

To make matters worse, many Governments were not prepared to invest in systemic safety and most Political strategies were focused on the rapidly expanding economy, which in their view could never go wrong, without any consideration for the major social consequences of when it did go terribly wrong in 2008. And anybody who has ever been forced into bankruptcy or lived on minimum wage with debts will know how crippling this process is— where often the only slice of hope left, is the 1 in 10 million chance of winning the lottery.

People vote for politicians to guide, protect, and to set the rules for them, but when they see their Government bailing out the 1 %, who are already obscenely rich, on the backs of the 99% of the population, the logical conclusion is an even bigger loss of trust. The consequences of this political blindness—the fiscal stimulation to save the Banks without a single thought for the devastating Social consequences for the people—could lead to a lifetime of debt for the average person, ‘Consumer Trauma’ and even the breakdown of the Democratic process itself. Social disintegration and the introduction of Marshall Law will be inevitable, as is now increasingly happening in Britain, where they are already handing out life-sentences to kids who steal a do-nought (even a 6 month prison sentence, leaves a life-long criminal record), in their desperate attempt to control the angry poor. And poor because certain Banker’s such as Sir Fred the Shred from the RBS ‘blew up the Economy’, leaving the Government practically penniless.

And the solution to solving this on-coming meltdown, lies in Britain co-operating with Germany and France to bring British/ International Maritime Law, out of the 17th century and into the 21st century:

The culmination of German History, German Political willingness, German Integrity and Germany’s collective historical Experience, combined with British Innovation (bulldog Spirit) and that unique French ability to influence the world will be our financial and social rescue. And in this endeavour innovative ideas will be utilized to create long-term solutions for the Money Industry, leaving the U.S. and the G 200 ultimately no choice but to join the ‘coalition of the willing’ (as G. Bush called it) and to fall in line. And the question is simple:

Do we want to have Algorithms, where computers decide we have to destroy everything that has been built up since WWII, or don’t we? Because now is the chance to decide.

And please be aware that historically there has never been a Bear Market lasting less than 17 years; unbelievably most people throughout history have remained ignorant of who, how and how long their financial decline would continue (may it be 5 to 20 years). “It is not in the interest of the bank to see the general wealth of the population rise was discovered written in a Top Mgmt. Strategy document from a major European bank (unbelievably found lying on a bench in a public park). In our current era of Internet and television we remain constantly ‘in the know’; with many people no longer willing to live under a cloud of Machiavellian behaviour and are now demanding full disclosure. And now this time the game really is over, most people in the world will rapidly come to understand the difference between what they actually NEED (food and shelter) and what they would LIKE TO HAVE (a thousand million Dollars, their own island, a castle and a thousand cars, just like the average Hedge Fund ‘Banker’).

The choice is simple: TRANSFORMATION OR SOCIAL WARFARE, which can be translated as Evolution or Revolution and unfortunately Evolution can only can only be achieved by worldwide Political Co-operation and Will (just like in the Airline Industry) and when Politicians understand three simple things:

1. Bankers have no contract with Society and do not create jobs

2. Bankers are the most inefficient ‘so-called’ businessmen in the world

3. Bankers only ever create jobs for other Bankers and do not create jobs (in a Bull market), they only destroy them (in a Bear Market)

(Jobs are created by real businessmen who take real risks, who are sometimes punished for decades by Bankers, when something goes wrong, out of their control – at the same time as unqualified Bankers without even a Banking licence like the RBS Chairman, write off tens of thousands of millions of Pounds to pay for their own financial recklessness with hundreds of billions of Pounds).

4. That every $1million the Government gets in taxes from Banking, from the Money Greed Syndrome (M.G.S.), ends up costing the Taxpayer $3 million to pay for the often vast social destruction in the form of Money Sickness Syndrome (M.S.S.), which is caused by Bankers desperate to become Billionaires and all in the name of the bank’s shareholders. (Or so they say.)

And the choice for the Government and the nearly-free Press is simple:

Either accept Algorithms and RBS bank sponsored tent cities (for the million dispossessed homeowners and ex-businessmen, who were in the wrong business at the wrong time), and introduce a policy of using tear gas and rubber bullets on children and pensioners, or do something today to save the British way of life, to avoid Britain becoming a truly violent and decrepit Society and becoming the laughing stock of the world. Because it does not have to be this way.

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